Dec 202013

Thursday 19th December, I made a visit to SMGays in Vauxhall with my owner. It was a fun evening out for me as currently Panto season is occupying most my time (I’m not acting in it before anyone asks)

After work, I showered and then headed off for the tube. My owner had sorted out my journey plan for the tube and what time train I should get. I was also given directions for where to go when I got to Victoria so that I could meet my owner and have food before carrying on to Vauxhall.

After food, and a coffee, to kill some time as we were running early – we headed back down to the tube to head to Vauxhall… Still got there early though!

After a short wait outside, they opened the doors, we headed in and payed our admission and I got changed. There had been thoughts to put on the E-Stim Systems Remote Box when we packed the bag in the morning, but at the last minute it was decided for simplicity that we wouldn’t worry about the Remote Box, as we just wanted a calm relaxing evening.

After getting a drink at the bar, we settled down and once I’d finished the drink (via the use of a straw as I was wearing my hood), I dropped to all-4’s and became a calm docile puppy. My owner went for a quick wander around the venue, and whilst he was gone I had my picture taken – *sits all proud*. Shortly after my owner and I went for a look around the RoB shop, but decided to head back later since I couldn’t see everything clearly due to my puppy hood. Later in the evening we bumped into a few people we knew, which was a pleasant surprise.

Before leaving, we headed back to the shop and bought a new Gas Mask, as our current one is getting a bit tired.

After a chilling and relaxing evening we headed home, and gave the new Gas Mask a trial run 😉

*wuffs and nuzzles to all*

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