Nov 302011

Unfortunately, since Erotica, I’ve not really had much time to be Spot as I was straight back in to my day job on the Monday after the shows. However, I’ve had a chance to scour the web, and the Erotica Facebook and Twitter feeds for information and pictures from the event.

Considering that camera’s were allowed at the event legitimately, it’s quite surprising that there does not appear to be as many pictures and videos on the web than I’d have expected…

The first post I found was over at Down the Rabbit Hole which features a picture of me. The only problem with the article is that there’s a minor error in the section relating to me being in the cage. Unfortunately, the stall that is described as doing the wooden furniture is not Bound4Bondage, but is instead MIV Fetish Furniture. The cage is actually metal, and made by Bound4Bondage – and the majority of the toys they sell are metal.

A couple of other blog posts of the event are available to read over at Yossarian Lives and at Sex, Shopping and Chocolate as well.

I did receive an email earlier this week with a couple of pictures of me taken at the event, but I have, as yet, not got permission to post them on the blog. If I get the permission to do so, then I’ll upload them at a later date. If you have any pictures of me from the event, can you let me know as I’d love a copy of them *wags tail*

For other updates about Erotica, you can check out their website at or find them on Twitter or Facebook.

Yesterday, I received a package in the post, containing a new dalmatian print Zentai from ZentaiZone… although with a difference. This was the first Zentai I’ve tried where instead of the zip running up the back of the suit, it runs up the insides of both legs – so you put it on over the head, like a T-Shirt or jumper, then you tuck your feet in and do the zips up. I have to say, I’m quite impressed with the quality and fit of the suit, as it doesn’t go ‘see-through’ when I put it on as some have a tendency to do so on the white parts. I’ll be looking to buy some more suits from them in the future.

This Sunday sees the last Heros of 2011, and of course, I’ll be there as usual *wags* – but also remembering that there is no Heros on January 1st 2012; the next Heros will be in February.