Jun 172010

Well, I realise I seem to have neglected my blog lately, but this time it’s mainly because not a lot happened …. Well, not a lot apart from the title *Wags Tail*

Heros: 1st Sunday of each month … 6pm until 10pm
Spot, the resident pup was there and as yet not missed a Heros for 18 months.
Being my usual playful self, though slightly less so due to the warmth of the nice weather.
Just a pleasant night of unwinding and relaxing being myself … without the worry of human life.
Sort of sadly, but it was logical at the time … I didn’t head home with Spot on due to the warmth of the weather.

2nd Friday of the month is Fetishbound which is primarily a night for bondage … but the Pups now have their own area (*Nuzzles* to Scamp)
Heading out after work, off to Kings Cross area has it’s drawbacks (too many people heading home) but it’s well worth it.
Changed into Spot, and dropped to all 4’s where life just becomes one great big nothingness … Tummy rubs and Chew toys, Whizzing lights on the floor, Buttons …. Simple things (as some would say simple things please simple minds … well pups are just playful)
Had a long chat to someone over being a pup, and just feel honoured (which is not quite how I mean it, but the best way I can think of saying it) that he’s the time to listen and be interested.
Shoelaces, well … some have learnt now that double knots are the only safe way to be around Spot… some however haven’t learnt … *Puppy eyes* *Wags Tail* [those that don’t know, I have found it a game to tug on shoelaces to pull them undone]
Spent a small while in the cage, but sort of more as a dare; it was asked if 2 pups would fit in the cage … well: We do.
Then, like most of these event, time ran out… the end of the night had come, so changed … actually, T shirt and combats over, spotty arms and paws on show, we headed off home with Scamp. The tube station we said our goodbyes and another enjoyable night was nearing an end.

Decided not to go to SMGays tonight, been a long day and for personal reasons the night would not have been enjoyable. Decided best to not go, and not ‘force’ ourselves into a false night of enjoyment … the heart tonight lies at home, not out playing.

Hoping this weekend to go and see my ex-master, as a “hello, I’ve got the day off, not working etc etc” … catch up on life over a coffee etc … so will report on how that goes (If it happens) at some point over the weekend.
Also hoping if all goes well to get to the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar, so my see some of you readers there.

*Wags tail* *Nuzzles* Spot