Oct 082008

Well I did my street arts festival…….


Well it was a bit cold, but I spent from 2pm – 5pm in public in Zentai handing out the programme of events, doing my own thing πŸ™‚

Near the end of the day when I went to go and get changed ready to tidy up I got semi-forced to join the carnival parade. AM I GLAD I DID! That was even more fun than the rest of the day, as I found some performers (who I spoke to earlier in the day) who were willing to let me join their group in the parade. They ‘dragged’ me allong on my lead in public. WOW…… I can’t explain how much fun it was in something I enjoy in public. Every one saw it as art……. If only they knew!!!!

If you want to see pics there seems to have been a few uploaded to www.flickr.com and in the search box put “BigFest” then sort by ‘most recent’ ……… I am the dalmation πŸ™‚

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