Nov 212010

Today we arrived 15 mins earlier than the Friday … but that was more down to the way tube timings worked.

For some reason today sort of went quicker in the cage, but the day overall felt longer … not sure if that means I spent less time in the cage than yesterday, or if I just dropped into pup mode a bit more thus ‘loosing time’.

Mortice turned up when I was having a quick snack of a chocolate brownie (Which is also recommended), and so we had a chat and also mentioned about next weekend, of which needs the locations and timings confirmed for a walkabout.

Back to the cage *wags tail*.

What seemed like not all that long after I was suddenly confronted with a black Labrador puppy … but a real lab! Wearing a high vis harness, it could only mean one thing … Annie!!! If Annie could have, she would have got in the cage with me! … I came out and dropped my hood down, and said Hi to the friends; and Annie (whom it seems couldn’t get enough of me!) and then they went on their way to do some looking and probably shopping.

Some while later, after I’d been back in the cage, and been out for a wander, by chance as I was having a drink and about to go back to the cage Annie and co came back to us, and I asked Annie to sit, which very obliging she was, she sat and behaved…. until I sat, when she decided to lay down and start to just relax too with me. *Nuzzles*. About 5 mins later Annie had to go back to her job of being a guide dog, so goodbyes said to Annie, off they went.

Some while later, again, I’ve probably been in and out my cage a couple of times, The friends came to say that they were off, so this time the proper goodbyes were said.

It turns out that Erotica made it into the “Saturday Times”. Mentioning me and Bound 4 Bondage, but unfortunately made a typographical error on the company name by spelling it bond4bondage … SO: for those of you who have googled bond4bondage from The Times … click to go to the correct site!!!!

The last hour and a half or so of the day, I really couldn’t tell you much, not because I was asleep, but I’d gone into full pup mode, since there was someone who was giving me loads of *Scritches* and *Tickles behind the ears* … Complete heaven … (well, for a dog it would be).

I’m going to put some pics up on the Monday as my owner got a “press ticket” so could legitimately take pictures, and also I’ll scan in the Times article for people to read if they wish … I make it into the opening sub heading and the main text. The last sentence spoils it though. *Ears down*

Erotica 2010 – Friday

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Nov 212010

I know this post is a day late, but yesterday I got in and had to do some surgery to Spot’s foot … I wore the big toe out on the right foot, so had to patch it … by the time I’d done that and then sorted some other bits out it was time for bed. … Anyways:

Friday, Spot arrived 15 mins before show opening, and headed in to say “Hi” to Bound4Bondage Mel and Daryl (I hope that’s the correct spelling). Then went and changed grabbed a quick bite to eat (a cookie) and a small bottle of Pepsi, put the bags out the way; and as the first few public were let in, I headed into ‘my’ cage (3′ x 2′ x 2’6″).

Here I stayed for some good 3 hours or so; in which time the pin that held the door shut was removed “DUE TO HEALTH AND SAFETY” (What ever happened to common sense! I have fingers in this instance and could let myself out at any time I so wish!) Then shortly after it was said we need to keep the door ajar as it shows I’m “not restrained against my will” …. ERM, I’m doing this voluntarily, and because I WANT TO … So I’m willing …. Grr, H&S people sometimes go a step too far. … Still, we complied as there is no point upsetting the organisers.

One of the ‘pony’ girls from the BBB Demo turned up and said “Hi” and gave *Scritches* to me … *Wags Tail*.

After the 3 hour stint I came out and went to the trees (the loo for those not in puppy mode); boy did I need that! *Bounds out much relieved*

A wander round the stalls to see what was there and equally get the blood circulation flowing.

Back to the cage, and about an hour or so later Scamp and Mark arrived; They said “Hello” and went a wandering to see the sites.

When they returned food was next, So I came out the cage and we headed off for food…. Unfortunately we didn’t choose the best of places for food, but it was warm anyway. … Back down to the ground floor level, we found another food stall that did NICE ham and cheeses panini’s … so one of those and a bottle of coke. Scamp went to Latex101 to get some goodies, and whilst standing waiting I got ‘pounced on’ from behind with nice long fingernail scratch to the back *oooooooooohh* *heaven* … and a voice of “Hi Spot” … A quick conversation later and we went off to watch the special performance by Dita Von Teese (who I had never heard of, but a big thing was made of it so we decided to watch it!).

After the main stage show, we were asked by some press if we wouldn’t mind answering some short questions… Somehow I got nominated … probably because the other three all stepped back out the way!

Answering the questions was nerve-racking, but probably more so because I wasn’t fully Zentai’ed, since my hood was down. This however made them inquire as to my way of pup life and why I was at Erotica, so a brief answer later, I was asked to show them … so hood up, and all-4’s walking back to my cage, where I was asked some more questions, and a thank-you after they decided to ask Mel some questions. Meanwhile Scamp tried out ‘my cage’ and decided he liked and so would probably buy one soon :).

Not sure much else specific went on after this … mainly spending a good few hours in the cage at a time, and then a quick wander to facilities of trees and getting the blood flowing.

Near the end of the night there was a rather ‘merry’ couple of girls who decided to take a shine to me, but then shortly after they got a bit awkward, but did move on without the need to ask.

10pm came around and time to go, happy and content and really pleased with the day… Home to put Spot’s toe back together and then bed.
